Thomas Street, Dublin.
Woods Architecture & Project Management have been appointed by a private client to design and oversee the construction of an Aparthotel development at their property on Thomas Street, Dublin.
The site currently contains a building of 4 storeys over a basement on Thomas Street with a single-storey rear extension over an extended basement. the site has the benefit of pedestrian lane access from Thomas Street to the north and rear access to the south off Vicar Street.
The scheme proposes the partial demolition of the single-storey rear extension, the extension and replanning of the existing basement and the construction of a six-storey aparthotel building abutting the rear of the existing four-storey block addressing Thomas Street. the scheme also includes modifications to the rear of the existing block and the addition of a setback floor atop the block adding a new one-bed penthouse apartment
The pedestrian laneway through the front block has been retained to respect the historic character of the existing building. This laneway will become a shared access way to both the private residential units and the entrance lobby to the Aparthotel. The shared use of the laneway offers a future opportunity to open the existing ground floor retail unit onto the laneway.
The Aparthotel comprises Staff facilities, Housekeeping andLaundry facilities and Plant Rooms at basement level, Entrance Lobby, Reception and 3no. Suites at Ground Floor level. First, Second, Third and Fourth Floor levels each contain 4no. Suites with 3 further Suites at Fifth Floor level.
The scheme was just recently granted planning permission by Dublin City Council and is progressing to Detailed Design stage with a view to construction commencing before the end of 2020.
Approx Floor Area: 1,380sqm
Approx Budget: €3.0m
Services Provided: Architecture.